Privacy Policy

Zurich Insurance Company Ltd, Canadian Branch (“Zurich”) is committed to protecting the privacy and security of the personal information we collect in the course of providing products and services to our customers.

We value the trust of our customers and others with whom we do business. This Privacy Policy and Online Privacy Statement apply to (the “Site”) and other online and mobile services and applications that link to or post this Privacy Policy (collectively, the “Online Services”), or through other means in the course of our business relationship with you. The Privacy Policy and Online Privacy Statement define our commitment to carefully managing and protecting your personal information.

"Personal Information" means any information about an identifiable individual.
Zurich will only collect personal information that is necessary for identified purposes. Personal information that may be collected includes, but is not limited to: an individual's name, address, telephone number, date of birth, family status, occupation, claims history, motor vehicle reports, driving record, policy number, premium and/or premium payment history, medical history and credit reports. In the case of a claim, we may also collect the claim number, date of loss, type of loss, cause of loss and the value of the claim. If you elect for an electronic funds transfer for any claims payment, we also may collect your banking information to appropriately disburse your claim payment into your banking account.

Personal information may be collected from such sources as our affiliates, independent insurance brokers, other financial institutions, credit bureaus, government departments, claims organizations, a policyholder, a customer, a customer's employee, a claimant, a claimant's employer or a claimant's employee. We may collect personal information from persons who witnessed incidents, or persons retained by a claimant or by us in the process of administering or servicing a policy or handling a claim. Such people might include physicians, lawyers, accountants, repair shops, consumer reporting agencies and appraisers as permitted or required by law.

We may also collect personal information when you use our corporate website, as outlined in our Online Privacy Statement. All personal information collected, whether through our website or otherwise, is governed by this Privacy Policy. For more information on how this Privacy Policy applies to our website, please read our Online Privacy Statement and Terms of Use.

You may choose to communicate with Zurich through text message, also called short message service,(“SMS”) from your Mobile Device. Please note that these communications will be one-way, with Zurich sending information to you. You are not required to use SMS to purchase or maintain a policy with Zurich and you may unsubscribe from SMS communications with Zurich at any time by texting “STOP” to us.


By agreeing to communicate with us via SMS, you agree to the following terms and conditions.


“Zurich”, “we”, “us”, “our” and “ours” means Zurich and its affiliates (Zurich Insurance Company Ltd., Zurich Life Insurance Company Ltd., Zurich Insurance Group, xxxxxx).

“Mobile Device" means your electronic personal device, including your telephone, through which you receive SMS communications from Zurich.

“You”, “your”, “yours” means the person who accepted to communicate with Zurich via SMS.

Nature of Communications

You will receive only SMS communications from Zurich regarding updates or actions relating to your claim under a Zurich insurance policy. These communications refer to updates or actions relating to your claims process such as, for instance, your time availability for a phone call with us, your deductible status and amount, the repairs status of your property, repair shop contact details and appraisal appointment, rental location contact details, final rental date or extension thereof (in case of an auto claim) etc.

We take your privacy seriously. We do not intend to use our SMS communications to discuss sensitive personal information.. Sensitive personal information is defined as personal information that if disclosed to the public could result in serious harm to you. Serious harm includes bodily harm, humiliation, damage to reputation or relationships, loss of employment, business or professional opportunities, financial loss, identity theft, negative effects on your credit record and damage to or loss of property.

The following is a non-exhaustive list of examples of sensitive personal information: your bank account number or other financial information, social insurance number, drivers’ license information, passport number, credit card number, personal health information etc. DO NOT SEND THIS INFORMATION TO US VIA SMS. If you need to discuss any matters involving sensitive personal information, you must call us at our call centre at 1-855-998-7424 (855 9 ZURICH).

Please note that Zurich will never ask for any sensitive personal information from you via SMS.

Zurich's adjusters and Zurich's automated telephone systems will send SMS communications to your Mobile Device telephone number. You will receive SMS communications from Zurich's adjusters and automated systems. Please note that you will not be sending SMS communications to Zurich.


You permit Zurich to communicate with you via SMS for your convenience. By opting in to receive SMS communications from Zurich, you acknowledge and accept any associated risks

You may at any time stop communications via SMS by texting STOP to us and use our other communication channels to contact us (for example: by telephoning our call centre or posting a letter).

Timely receipt of Zurich’s SMS communications is not guaranteed. Zurich’s SMS communications are subject to errors, time lags, delays, and not being delivered. Our SMS communications with you are provided on “as is” and “as available” basis, without any warranty of any kind and with all defects inherent to them.

While Zurich employs reasonable measures to ensure that Zurich’s computer systems are protected against unauthorized access and disclosure of confidential information, Zurich does not guarantee the security, confidentiality, privacy and reliability of SMS communications that you and Zurich send and receive from each other. SMS communications are dependent on the network and systems of third parties such as your telecommunications service provider. You agree that Zurich is not responsible for the security, confidentiality, privacy, and reliability of communications sent through such third-party systems.

Confidentiality and Privacy of your Mobile Device

You confirm to Zurich that you are the owner of the Mobile Device and the account holder of the telephone number associated with your Mobile Device.

You are responsible for the security, confidentiality, and privacy of SMS communications on your Mobile Device. You agree not share or let other persons use your Mobile Device as these persons may have access to your SMS communications or may impersonate you in SMS communications with us. You agree to, if possible, protect your Mobile Device with a password, keep the password confidential and not share it with others.

Lost Mobile Device and Change of Number

If you lose your Mobile Device or if you change your Mobile Device’s telephone number, you must immediately contact us so that we are able to take measures to stop sending SMS to the lost Mobile Device or the old telephone number. Until you let us know that you lost your Mobile Device or that you changed your telephone number, you are responsible for all SMS communications originating from that Mobile Device or telephone number. We will have no liability for sending SMS communications from your lost Mobile Device or your old telephone number before you notify us of the loss of your Mobile Device or change of number.

SMS Charges

Zurich does not charge you to communicate via SMS. However, your telecommunications services provider may charge you data or text message rates for receiving SMS. You are responsible for paying these charges, if applicable, to your telecommunication services provider.

Stopping SMS Communications

You or Zurich may at any time stop communicating through SMS. To stop communicating with us via SMS, simply text STOP to us and we will stop communicating with you via SMS.

Other Means of Communication

In addition to using SMS to communicate with us, you may also contact Zurich by:

  • Telephoning our call centre at: 1-855-998-7424 (855 9ZURICH ).
  • Mailing us a letter at: First Canadian Place, 100 King Street West, Suite 5500, P.O. Box 290, Toronto, Ontario M5X 1C9.

Changes to Terms and Conditions

Zurich may revise, modify, or amend these terms and conditions at any time. Any such revision, modification, or amendment will take effect when it is posted to Zurich’s website. You agree to review these terms and conditions periodically to ensure that you are aware of any changes. Your continued communication with us via SMS will indicate your acceptance of the changes.

Privacy Policy

In our SMS communications with you, we will abide by our privacy policy. You may review our privacy policy at:

Limitation and Exclusion of Liability

In no event will we be liable for any indirect, special, exemplary, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages arising from or in connection with our SMS communications with you, including, but not limited to, any loss of profits or loss of business opportunity, whether or not we have been advised of the possibility or likelihood of such damages occurring.

The foregoing limitation and exclusions of liability apply to all claims irrespective of whether such claims are based on contract, tort (including negligence and strict liability), equity, unjust enrichment, or any other legal theory.

Jurisdiction and Compliance with Laws

These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of the Province of Ontario and the laws of Canada applicable therein, without resort to conflict of law provisions. Any legal action or proceeding relating to our SMS communications with you or these terms and conditions will be instituted only in a court located in Toronto, Ontario. You and Zurich agree to submit to the jurisdiction of, and agree that venue is proper in, these courts in any such legal action or proceeding.


If any provision in these terms and conditions is deemed unlawful, void or for any reason, unenforceable, then that provision will be deemed severable from these terms and conditions and will not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.


Any failure by Zurich in exercising any right, power or privilege under these terms and conditions will not constitute a waiver of, nor will any single or partial exercise preclude any further exercise of, any such right, power or privilege. No single or partial exercise of any right or remedy provided to Zurich under these terms and conditions or by law will preclude or restrict the further exercise of that or any other right or remedy.

Entire Agreement

These terms and conditions constitute the entire agreement between you and Zurich with respect to SMS messages between you and Zurich and supersede any other representations and communications, whether written or oral.

Prior to collecting your personal information, we will state the purpose of our request and obtain your consent as required by applicable law. We may collect, use, and disclose personal information (and that of any other individuals(s) whose personal information is collected as part of your application) for the purpose of underwriting, administering and/or servicing an insurance policy, handling a claim or providing requested services. Additional purposes for which we need your personal information may include, but are not limited to:

  • To process your application for insurance (e.g., to verify your identity and confirm the information you provided in your application);
  • to communicate with you about your insurance policy;
  • to evaluate which insurance products and related services meet your needs;
  • to investigate and adjust your claims;
  • to respond to complaints;
  • to prevent, detect, and/or investigate crime or fraud;
  • to comply with laws, directives and recommendations imposed by authorities, as well as Zurich Canada internal policies;
  • to conduct data analytics;
  • to reinsure risks as required;
  • to establish and collect premiums in relation to our products and services; and
  • as may be required or authorized by law.

We may use artificial intelligence and machine learning capabilities to assist with certain analytics and inform decision-making involving our Online Services and products in accordance with applicable laws. Where necessary, we obtain your prior consent for this use.

Zurich Canada-affiliated and non-affiliated third parties that may receive or have access to the personal information in our care are not authorized to use such information for any marketing purposes except as permitted by law. They may not copy or disclose personal information to any other party and may use it only for the purpose of performing their responsibilities to us, one of our policyholders or claimants and as otherwise permitted or required by law.

Personal information may be shared with affiliated and non-affiliated third parties in Canada and abroad, if needed for the purposes listed above. We do not rent or sell personal information to third parties.

  • Affiliates include insurance companies, third-party insurance administrators and other providers of financial products and services.
  • Unaffiliated third parties include other insurers, independent insurance brokers, agents, the policyholder, third parties retained to assist in the administration of policies and/or claims (e.g., adjusters, appraisers, repair shops and medical service providers), regulators or other governmental or public bodies, taxing authorities, insurance support organizations, reinsurers, companies with whom we have joint marketing agreements and others as permitted or required by law.

Depending on the nature and sensitivity of your personal information, your consent to the collection, use and disclosure of personal information is usually required. This consent can be express (oral or written) or implied and, subject to legal or contractual restrictions, may be withdrawn. Most of the personal information collected by Zurich is provided to us by independent insurance brokers or agents with your consent. If an insurance broker or agent tells Zurich that they have a customer’s consent to collect and use personal information for a purpose set out in this Privacy Policy or otherwise required by law, Zurich will rely on that statement. Zurich may also obtain your consent and collect such information directly or through insurance adjusters, private investigators or lawyers representing Zurich or our insured. By providing information about a third party, such as a family member, director, officer, or employee, you represent that you have obtained that person's consent to the collection, use and disclosure in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Generally, you may refuse or withdraw your consent to the collection, use or disclosure of your personal information at any time. If you do withdraw your consent, Zurich may no longer be able to provide you with insurance coverage and services. If you would like to withdraw or alter your consent, please contact the Privacy Officer.

Zurich is responsible for the protection of personal information in its possession. Access to personal information is limited to those with a specific "need to know" in order to provide products and services to policyholders and to others as permitted or required by law. We maintain contractual, physical, electronic and procedural safeguards to protect against the misuse of personal information under our control. Zurich has a record retention schedule and an information governance framework which oversees the lifecycle of personal information. We may retain your personal information as needed to provide you services or as necessary to comply with our legal and regulatory obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements.

Your personal information is secured in our offices or those of our administrator or agent, both in domestic and foreign jurisdictions outside Canada.

To access your personal information on file, please send a request in writing to our Privacy Officer at the address provided below. Please specify the kind of information you are seeking. You will be contacted by our Privacy Officer and asked to provide some form of identification to confirm your right to access this information. Please note that there are certain circumstances where the law does not require us to provide you with access.

Zurich will use its best efforts to ensure that personal information is as accurate, complete and up-to-date as is necessary for the identified purposes. To change or correct any personal information, please contact our Privacy Officer.

If you have a question, concern or complaint about privacy or our personal information handling practices, please contact our Privacy Officer at the address or number listed below or visit our website for details on how to bring your concern to our attention.

Privacy Officer
Attention: Canada Compliance
Zurich Canada
100 King Street West
Toronto, Ontario M5X 1C9

Telephone: 416-586-6800
Toll Free: 800-387-5454 
Fax: 866-398-0234

If you are not satisfied with the way we have responded to a complaint or believe Zurich has contravened this Privacy Policy, you can file a written complaint with the Privacy Commissioner serving your province, or the Federal Privacy Commissioner who will conduct an investigation and take appropriate action.

This Privacy Policy is a stand-alone document. You may receive privacy statements or notices from other parties. The terms of this Privacy Policy do not modify, supersede, revise, or amend the terms of other privacy statements or notices received from other parties. This Privacy Policy may be amended from time to time.

We recommend reading the following alongside this Privacy Policy

Last Update: April 2024

Last updated April 2024