Contact us
Head Office
Zurich Canada
First Canadian Place
100 King Street West
Suite 5500, P.O. Box 290
Toronto, Ontario M5X 1C9
Broker Contacts
If you are a broker and you are looking for a specific Zurich Contact, please see our Customer & Market and Management Team contact list.
Media Contact
If you are an editor or reporter and would like more information on Zurich’s business in Canada or a particular announcement, please see our News & Insights page.
Our office locations
Western Region
200 Granville Street
Suite 2300
Vancouver, British Columbia V6C 2R6
1 (604) 685-9241 or 1 (800) 663-9975
1 (780) 425-0872 or 1 (800) 232-1910
335-8th Ave Suite 1820 SW
Bankers Hall Royal Bank Building
Calgary (Alberta) T2P 1C9
1 (403) 693-6999
Ontario Region
TorontoFirst Canadian Place
100 King Street West
Suite 5500, P.O. Box 290
Toronto, Ontario M5X 1C9
(416) 586-6820 or 1 (800) 268-9168
Eastern Region
Montréal1800 McGill College Avenue
Suite 1100
Montréal, Quebec H3A 3J6
1 (514) 393-7222 or 1 (800) 363-4707
*Our Edmonton and Calgary offices serve Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Yukon.
Service inquiries
Zurich's Customer Care Center is available 24/7 to help you report a claim. For claims inquiries, contact us at:
Personal auto: (855) 998-7424 (855 Z Zurich)
Commercial lines: (866) 345-3454
Claims form online
Mail to:
Zurich, Claims Department
Attention: Claims
100 King Street West
Suite 5500, P.O. Box 290
Toronto, Ontario M5X 1C9
Zurich Resilience Solutions
For inquiries regarding our risk services products and services, contact us at:
(416) 586-2740
Commercial Customers
Are you a customer looking for a Zurich broker? Contact us here.
Canadian Premium Billing or Loss-Sensitive Invoice inquiries:
(888) 207-3083
Customer Care
(855) 792-2731
Mail : Zurich Insurance Company Ltd (Canadian Branch) 100 King Street West
Suite 5500, P.O. Box 290
Toronto, Ontatio Canada
M5X 1C9