Strategic business risk and resilience - enterprise risk management
There was a time when dealing with risk meant buying insurance and forgetting it. Today, that’s not enough – the variety of risks you face is too great and the stakes are too high.
An enhanced approach to risk management can help you protect your profitability, reputation and stakeholder value. Through Zurich’s strategic business risk and resilience solutions you can achieve a broader view of your risks and an understanding of how these risks may affect your success. And there are many benefits to doing so – including more informed strategic decision making, fewer barriers to achieving business objectives, greater business resilience and a reduced total cost of risk.
Our strategic business risk and resilience solutions go beyond delivering consulting services – we can help you implement risk management tools that empower you to better manage and identify the critical risks yourself. We can deliver a strategic approach to managing risks, supported by tactical solutions, tools and a network of highly qualified professionals, based in different countries and drawn from many industries.
The constantly changing risk landscape makes it difficult for companies to adequately prepare for business interruptions. However, you can minimize the impact of both insurable and non-insurable interruptions by holistically assessing and addressing your organization’s vulnerabilities using our Business Resilience Services.
Our supply chain risk assessment and insurance can help you protect your profitability and build a major strategic advantage. We can help you to understand your exposures to a wide range of risks, understand the potential impact and the cost of recovery from disruptions to your critical suppliers, and provide action plans to help reduce or transfer risks.Our business interruption modeling service assesses the financial effects of possible interruption scenarios and interdependencies that may threaten business continuity. It presents profit and loss exposure information for various disruptions in a single model to help improve data management and interpretation, especially when coupled with our supply chain risk assessment. It also acts as a strategic link between risk management and financial management.
A robust business continuity management strategy can move your company from reactive to proactive, so that it’s prepared to survive a disaster and return to normal operation as quickly and efficiently as possible. Our team of experienced professionals can help you identify threats against your company’s operations and implement a plan to help minimize the impacts of a disruption to key business processes, mission-critical activities, and your value chain.
Our cyber risk analysis uses industry best practices to help you take key steps to improve your company’s cyber risk profile. We will review your potential for privacy and security losses (breaches or other unintended releases), and then develop an action plan to help increase your organization’s overall information security and business resilience.
We can work with you in a variety of customized ways to expand your ERM risk culture and business intelligence. Our ERM diagnostic service provides effective gap analysis of your company’s current ERM infrastructure, in order to drive the best next steps in increasing its effectiveness. It will identify strengths and areas for improvement within your framework, to help you further embed ERM processes and yield greater positive outcomes. You can then close the gaps in your ERM framework with support from our specialists.
Total Risk Profiling offers a systematic approach to addressing your organization’s major exposures. It delivers a comprehensive assessment of business objectives, the associated challenges, and the mitigation strategy to help you identify, prioritize, and manage business risks across your enterprise.
The Zurich Risk Room is a revolutionary way to view your unique risk landscape and see the interconnectedness of risk, on a country-by-country basis. This proprietary tool taps into Zurich’s data and numerous external sources to present an overview of global risks. It can enable you to identify the correlation between various risks, and test assumptions before making major strategic decisions.
Zurich’s Velocity ERM software can help you to improve the way you identify and manage current and emerging enterprise exposures. Its power lies in its integrated, easy-to-use reporting capabilities, which produce real-time reports of your exposures and mitigation, for inclusion in operational and strategic decision-making.
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